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Course code

Course code


Course scope


SET Surgical Specialties Interview Preparation

Course workload

Course workload

90 Hours

Delivery method

Delivery method

IME Online

Contact time

Contact time

On Demand & Online


No. of modules


Access duration

Access duration

1 year



$997.00 AUD

About the Program

The SET Surgical Specialties Interview Online Course (SS101) is a highly specialised interview preparation program that prepares candidates for the Surgical Education and Training admissions interview for Surgical Specialties through the development of fundamental communication and presentation skills. The course is prepared and conducted by practicing surgeons and provides candidates with an opportunity to gain a unique insight into the SET selection interview.

The Institute of Medical Education (IME), previously known as the METC Institute, has been aiding surgeons in their SET interviews since 2013, offering guidance to more than 820 candidates.

    Program Structure

    The SET Interview represents the final step for acceptance into the Surgical Education and Training (SET) program for Surgical Specialties. The aims of the SET Surgical Specialties Interview Online Course are to provide doctors with the materials and strategies needed to develop communication and presentation skills that are needed to fully prepare for the selection interview and to stand out from the crowd, in a high stakes and highly competitive selection process.  Furthermore, the development of these communication and presentation skills will assist them in their ongoing practice of medicine and surgery.

    This course consists of interview scenarios written and prepared by consultant Surgeons with first-hand experience, expertise and insights into the practice of Surgical Specialties, the SET Surgical Specialties selection process, interview structure and training program. The course is suitable for candidates applying for SET Surgery Specialty training who wish to complete a thorough interview preparation course that develops their clinical, communication and presentation skills, but who are unable to attend the live component of the course (refer SS102), or for those who wish to further their development in this area.

      Subject Content

      Candidates work through 100 scenarios each of which consists of 2 questions (total 200 questions) in various online modules. Detailed ideal responses are provided for each scenario. Candidates are encouraged to practice their responses with their peers and to seek constructive feedback, in order to develop and refine their skills in this area.

      These modules cover key attributes of the RACS Core Competencies, ethics, as well as clinical scenarios that are commonly examined that determine proficiency in foundational medical and technical expertise required at the SET registrar level.

      These modules are outlined below. 

      Module 1 – Introduction to the SET Interview

      This introductory module orientates candidates to the SET Surgical Interview, and the course modules.

      Module 2 – Professionalism & Ethics

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Demonstrate a commitment to their patients, profession and community through ethical practice
      • Recognise medico-legal issues
      • Demonstrate a commitment to their patients, profession and community through participation in profession-led regulation
      • Manage medical indemnity and risk

      Module 3 – Scholar & Teacher

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Assume responsibility for their own ongoing learning
      • Critically evaluate medical information and its sources, and apply appropriately to practice decisions
      • Facilitate the learning of patients, families, trainees, other health professionals, and the community
      • Contribute to the development, dissemination, application, and translation of new medical knowledge and practices

      Module 4 – Health Advocacy

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Respond to individual patient health needs
      • Promote health maintenance of patients
      • Respond to the health needs of the community
      • Promote health maintenance of colleagues
      • Look after their own health
      • Advocate for improvements in health care

      Module 5 – Management & Leadership

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Allocate finite healthcare resources appropriately
      • Manage and lead clinical teams
      • Manage their practice and career effectively
      • Serve in administration and leadership roles, as appropriate

      Module 6 – Collaboration & Teamwork

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Work in collaboration with members of interdisciplinary teams where appropriate

      Module 7 – Communication

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Develop rapport, trust and ethical therapeutic relationships with patients and families
      • Accurately elicit and synthesise relevant information from patients, families, colleagues and other professionals
      • Accurately convey relevant information and explanations to patients and families, colleagues and other professionals
      • Develop a common understanding (with patients, families, colleagues and other professionals) on issues, problems and plans

      Module 8 – Medical Expertise

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Establish and maintain clinical knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to their practice

      Module 9 – Judgement (Clinical Decision Making)

      This module includes numerous scenarios with worked solutions that test candidates’ abilities to:

      • Provide compassionate patient-centred care
      • Perform a complete and appropriate assessment of a patient
      • Organise diagnostic testing, imaging and consultation as appropriate

      While students are required to complete the online modules, formal practice of interview scenarios is highly recommended. Students should seek like-minded peers or educated family members to practice thinking through and delivery of their responses to interview prompts supplied in the modules.

      Note: Modules are sequentially released upon satisfactory completion to enable a structured framework for successful completion of the course.


        Candidates access to the above theory modules via IME's dedicated student portal.  This Online Learning Management System also provides the student with various tools and advanced e-learning strategies to facilitate their learning.

          Entry requirements

          General (unconditional) Medical registration in Australia or general scope or restricted general scope registration in the relevant specialty in New Zealand. For further information on selection requirements for SET, please visit

            How to enrol

            To enrol in this course and make payment, click on the ‘Enrol’ button at the top of the page. Access is provided to students within 24 hrs.

            Course fees include access to the online modules and workshops for 365 days. Further fees apply for extensions and may only be granted on application. Please refer to our published refunds policy as a condition of enrolment.


            Exit examination

            The SET Surgical Specialties Interview Online Course (SS101) prepares candidates for the  Surgical Education and Training admissions interview for Surgical Specialties through the development of fundamental communication and presentation skills.

            METC Institute is an independent organisation and SET Interview Workshops are not associated with, or endorsed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), as RACS must maintain probity in its competitive selection process. The fees for such selection process are not included in the course fees for SS101. 


            This interview course is designed by Specialist Doctors and Senior Lecturers from leading Australian University Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals. Minimum qualification standards include MBBS with specialist qualification and registration with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA). All courses are delivered by experienced lecturers with proven success in the medical space. 

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