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Course code

Course code


Course scope


Orientation to Australian Medical Practice

Course workload

Course workload

40 Hours

Delivery method

Delivery method

100% Online

Contact time

Contact time

On-Demand and Online


No. of modules


Access duration

Access duration

1 Year



$997.00 AUD

About the Subject

The Essentials for Orientation to Australian Medical Practice Course (GP101) is prepared and delivered by Consultant-Level (Senior Medical Officer) doctors of the IME's General Practice division. These doctors are Australian-trained specialist medical practitioners with a minimum of 10-years clinical experience in the Australian health sector.

This course consists of 3 Online Modules and provides a structured and comprehensive orientation to the Australian healthcare system, Australian health care practice, relevant legislation and expected professional practice standards.

    Subject Structure

    The overall objective of the Essentials for Orientation to Australian Medical Practice Course (GP101) is to provide a comprehensive orientation to the Australian healthcare system, health care practice, legislation and expected professional practice standards, especially in relation to private practice.

      Subject Content

      The overall objective of the Essentials for Working as a Doctor in Australia (GP100) Course is to provide international medical graduates (IMGs) with the relevant information, knowledge and strategies needed to effectively transition into Australian medical practice and ultimately, to attain specialty Fellowship.

      Module 1 – Orientation to the Australian Healthcare System

      This module provides a comprehensive orientation to the Australian healthcare system including but not limited to discussion of the Medicare Benefits Scheme, billings, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, prescribing and government initiatives and programs. Discussion of important Australian public health issues is also included.

      Module 2 – Orientation to Australian Healthcare Practice

      This module provides a comprehensive orientation to Australian health care practice including but not limited to discussion of practice administration, clinical governance, medical record keeping, Schedule 8 medications & dangerous drugs, infection control standards, vaccination schedules & the AIR reporting system, disease prevention principles, enhanced primary care and chronic disease management.

      Module 3 – Orientation to Legislation & Professional Practice Standards

      This module provides a comprehensive orientation to relevant health care legislation and introduces professional practice standards, relevant ethical principles and expectations as set by relevant professional colleges including accreditation procedures and participation in quality improvement and continuing professional development programs.


        Candidates access the above theory modules via IME's dedicated student portal. This Online Learning Management System also provides the student with various tools and advanced e-learning strategies to facilitate their learning.

          Entry requirements

          Essentials for Orientation to Australian Medical Practice Course (GP101) course is designed for international medical graduates who wish to pursue a future career in medicine in Australia. To be eligible to enrol in this program, candidates must have completed, or be in the process of completing an internationally recognised medical degree. For further information about eligibility, please contact us.

            How to enrol

            To enrol in this course and make payment, click on the ‘Enrol’ button at the top of the page. Access is provided to students within 24 hrs.

            Course fees include access to the online modules and workshops for 365 days. Further fees apply for extensions and may only be granted on application. Please refer to our published refunds policy as a condition of enrolment.



            This IME International course is designed by Specialist Doctors and Senior Lecturers from leading Australian University Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals. Minimum qualification standards include MBBS with specialist qualification and registration with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA). All courses are delivered by experienced lecturers with proven success in the medical space. 

            Talk to an expert

            Complete the form below and IME's International Faculty will be in touch to answer your questions. We can help you practice as a doctor in Australia - let us tell you how.

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