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Requirements for graduate entry to Medicine, Dentistry & Optometry in 2024 for GAMSAT medical schools

Requirements for graduate entry to Medicine, Dentistry & Optometry in 2024 for GAMSAT medical schools

IME provides four downloadable files for your convenience.

${reading_time(`IME provides four downloadable files for your convenience, including Medical School Application Dates, Australian Medical School Places, Current Australian Medical School Market, and Requirements for Entry into Australian Graduate Medical Schools.   GAMSAT & Medical School Application Dates   Current Australian Medical School Market   GEMSAS & Non-GEMSAS Australian Medical School Places 2024   GEMSAS & Non-GEMSAS Australian Medical Schools That Require GAMSAT score         `)} Arror right

Key Dates For 2023 — Postgraduate Medicine Entry In 2024

Key Dates For 2023 — Postgraduate Medicine Entry In 2024

Overview of important GAMSAT and medical school application dates in 2023 for entry into Medicine in 2024 (for schools that require GAMSAT, only).

${reading_time(`Overview of important GAMSAT and medical school application dates in 2023 for entry into Medicine in 2024 (for schools that require GAMSAT, only).   Calendar Month in 2023 Key Dates January Monday 30 January Standard registrations for March GAMSAT close February Friday 10 February Late registrations for March GAMSAT, preferences for test centres, and refund/deferral requests close From late February March GAMSAT admission ticket available March Saturday 18 – Wednesday 22 March GAMSAT testing window April Early April Admissions guides published for GEMSAS medical schools Monday 24 April Applications open for Doctor of Medicine & Doctor of Dental Medicine at University of Sydney May Early May September GAMSAT registrations open GEMSAS Medicine (and University of Melbourne Dentistry & Optometry) applications open Late-May March GAMSAT results available Monday 29 May Flinders University Doctor of Medicine applications open Wednesday 31 May GEMSAS Medicine (and University of Melbourne Dentistry) applications close June Thursday 08 June Applications close for Doctor of Medicine & Doctor of Dental Medicine at University of Sydney Friday 26 June Applications close for Doctor of Medicine at Flinders University July Tuesday 11 July Standard registrations for September GAMSAT close Friday 21 July Late registrations for September GAMSAT, preferences for test centres, and refund/deferral requests close Monday 31 July University of Melbourne Optometry applications close August Mid-late August Interview offers released for Flinders University Late August September GAMSAT admission ticket available September Early September Offers of interviews for GEMSAS medical schools are released and are held throughout September/October Thursday 07 September Offers for Doctor of Medicine at University of Sydney are released Friday 08 – Tuesday 12 September GAMSAT testing window Thursday 14 September Offers for Doctor of Dental Medicine at University of Sydney are released Monday 18 September – Friday 29 September Interviews held for Flinders University October GEMSAS medical school interviews continue throughout October Late October Flinders University offers released November Offers for GEMSAS Medicine and University of Melbourne Dentistry & Optometry are released Mid-November September GAMSAT results available December Additional offers made throughout December 2023 and January 2024 to fill vacancies `)} Arror right

The Australian Medical School Market

The Australian Medical School Market

Medical education in Australia is sanctioned by the Australian Medical Council and is provided by medical schools across various universities. They all follow asimilar education program consisting of pre-clinical classes...

${reading_time(`Medical education in Australia is sanctioned by the Australian Medical Council and is provided by medical schools across various universities. They all follow asimilar education program consisting of pre-clinical classes focusing on foundational medical knowledge and clinical placements in diverse specialties athospitals and clinics. Upon completion of their degree, graduates are provisionally registered with the Australian Medical Board.   Current Australian medical schools, their location, select qualifying medical degree(s), duration, and admissions test required for entry.    Medical School Location Degree Minimum Duration Admissions Test Australian National University Canberra, ACT MChD 4 years GAMSAT Bond University Gold Coast, QLD BMedSt/MD* 4.7 years Curtin University Bentley, WA MBBS 5 years UCAT Deakin University Geelong, VIC MD 4 years GAMSAT Flinders University Adelaide, SA MD, BClinSci/MD*  4 years GAMSAT, UCAT Griffith University Gold Coast, QLD MD, DClinDent*, Provisional Entry MD* 4 years GAMSAT James Cook University Townsville, QLD MBBS* 6 years Macquarie University Sydney, NSW MD 4 years GAMSAT Monash University Melbourne, VIC MD, BMedSci/MD* 4 years UCAT University of Adelaide Adelaide, SA BMedSt/MD,  BDentS/DClinDent 6 years UCAT University of Melbourne Melbourne, VIC MD, DDS, OD 4 years GAMSAT University of New South Wales Sydney, NSW BMedSt/MD, BMedSt/MD/BA 6 years UCAT University of Newcastle/University of New England Newcastle and Armidale, NSW BMedSci/MD Joint Program 5 years UCAT University of Notre Dame (Fremantle) Fremantle, WA MD 4 years GAMSAT University of Notre Dame (Sydney) Sydney, NSW MD 4 years GAMSAT University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD MD, DClinDent*, Provisional Entry MD* 4 years GAMSAT, UCAT University of Sydney Sydney, NSW MD, DMD, BA/MD*,  BSc/MD*, BSc/DMD* 4 years GAMSAT University of Tasmania Hobart, TAS MBBS 5 years UCAT University of Western Australia Perth, WA MD, DMD, Assured Pathway* GAMSAT, UCAT University of Western Sydney/Charles Sturt University Campbelltown and Orange, NSW BClinSci/MD Joint Program, BDentSci 5 years UCAT University of Wollongong Wollongong, NSW MD 4 years GAMSAT   *Alternative undergraduate pathway which requires UCAT score and/or academic performanceBA = Bachelor of Arts; BClinSci = Bachelor of Clinical Science; BDentS = Bachelor of Dental Surgery; BDentSci = Bachelor of Dental Science BMedSci = Bachelorof Medical Science; BMedSt = Bachelor of Medical Studies; BSc = Bachelor of Science; DClinDent = Doctor of Clinical Dentistry; DDS = Doctor of Dental Surgery;DMD = Doctor of Dental Medicine; MBBS = Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery; MChD = Doctor of Medicine and Surgery / Medicinae ac ChirurgiaeDoctoranda; MD = Doctor of Medicine; OD = Doctor of Optometry   The annual data collection on the Australian medical school market is provided by the Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand Inc (MDANZI). There aretwenty-one Australian medical schools in total who provide data on enrolments and graduates as of their census dates. This data indicates a projected 18,712enrolled places for domestic and international students in Australian university medical schools in 2023 collectively over a 6-year period.     MDANZI Australian medical school projected enrolments in 2023 over a 6-year period.   For those interested in a historical perspective on medical education and university medical schools, information is published by the Australian GovernmentDepartment of Health. There has been modest growth in medical school places over the last decade; however, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that placeshave been limited.     `)} Arror right

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